You may remember in our October Newsletter last year, we did a feature on saving the Swanage Jazz Festival. Just in case you missed it, the Swanage Jazz Festival has played host to hundreds of musicians annually, since 1990. In 2017, it became apparent that the festival had come as far as it could within the constraints of the VAT limit. The consequences of the situation were that the festival was looking at the closing of its doors once and for all. The organisers had the monumental task of raising £15k within 30 days, thereby ensuring the funds were in place for the festival to occur in 2018.
Fortunately, award winning jazz guitarist, Nigel Price, a man with a career spanning more than 25 years, who is widely acknowledged as one of the hardest working musicians in the business, was appointed as the new Festival Director. Nigel took it upon himself to campaign vigorously, and raised £21,900.00, well beyond the necessary amount required, within the time period provided. We were very proud to have helped raise some of the funds toward saving the festival, by raffling off one of our early prototypes. We were thrilled to raise and contribute the amount of £2,700.00 toward the event.
The Swanage Jazz Festival is upon us, and should prove to be a blistering event, given the caliber of the performers taking part. Please follow the link here to get a full list on what is on, and how to buy tickets: https://www.swanagejazzfestival.co.uk/
So, given that Nigel has put so much into saving the Swanage Jazz Festival for us all to enjoy, it seemed like an appropriate goal for us to try and reach, on a project that we have been working on together. We can get into all the nitty, gritty on technical jargon when we reveal the full specifications, and ‘The Londoner’, came to exist in next month’s Newsletter. But for the time being, just enjoy hearing Nigel perform with his new guitar at the Swanage Jazz Festival, 13th - 15th July 2018!
For festival tickets, please go to: