It is all systems go now...all hands on deck...full throttle...as preparations for Ciyo Brown's album launch at Toulouse Lautrec have been gaining momentum.
A note from Ciyo...
"It feels great to start a brand new year with a very clear vision of my goals and aspirations! However, as the song goes, "no man is an island...no man stands alone" and an important part of my drive comes from the encouragement that I have received from my Family, colleagues and ALL of YOU on this platform!!! THANK YOU!!!"
The live album launch date is Saturday 22nd January 2022 at that wonderful venue, Toulouse Lautrec 140 Newington Butts Kennington London SE11 4RN. The brand new CD will be available for purchase on that date as well as digital downloads from Ciyo's website for those who prefer the digital format: https://www.ciyobrown.com/events/
The CD can be pre-purchased for a discount price of £10.00 when purchased at the same time as the tickets. The ticket sales are going extremely well and the event is likely to sell out very quickly so please get your orders in early to avoid disappointment. Your support is well appreciated Folks!!! Blessings! Ciyo https://www.ciyobrown.com
Photography: Carl Russ-Mohl