We are a little bit late getting this posted, but as you can see, it is already turning out to be a manic January with a bumper list of gigs going on courtesy of London Jazz Society. Enjoy!
Tuesday 3 January (and every Tuesday): Joe Amer hosts a jam session at Mascara Bar, Stoke Newington. Music from 8pm. Joe leads a quartet in an opening set. Free entry.
Wednesday 4 January: Kate Williams Quartet (Mike Outram on guitar) at The 606 Club, Chelsea. 8pm. £15. Details and booking: https://www.606club.co.uk/.../view/kate-williams-quartet-1/
Wednesday 4 January: Myra Brownbridge Quintet (Tom Ollendorff on guitar) at The Vortex, Dalston. 7.45pm. £12.50 / £6.25 Vortex members / £5 students. Details and booking: https://www.vortexjazz.co.uk/event/myra-brownbridge-quintet/
Wednesday 4 January (and every Wednesday): The Louche Players (Nick Costley-White on guitar) at Louche Soho. Music from 8.30pm to 11pm. Free entry.
Thursday 5 January: Nigel Price Organ Trio at The 606 Club, Chelsea. 8pm. £15. Details and booking :https://www.606club.co.uk/.../view/nigel-price-organ-trio/
Thursday 5 January: Harry Diplock and Alex Boulton play duo upstairs at Ronnie Scott's, Soho. Doors open 6pm. Music from 7pm. £10 adv / £12 otd. Details and booking: https://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/.../7889-two-for-the-road
Friday 6 January: Denny Ilett leads his Electric Lady Big Band at Ronnie Scott's. Shows at 5.30pm and 8.30pm. £35-£50. Details and booking: https://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/.../7924-denny-iletts...
Friday 6 January: Brandon Allen's Groove Band (Mike Outram on guitar) play the late late show at Ronnie Scott's. 11.15pm. £12. Details and booking: https://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/.../8095-late-late-show...
Saturday 7 January: Danny Ilett leads his Electric Lady Big Band at Ronnie Scott's. Shows at 5.30pm and 8.30pm. £35-£50. Details and booking: https://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/.../7924-denny-iletts...
Saturday 7 January: Alex Webb's Quintet Blue feat. Denys Baptiste and Nigel Price at St. Mary's Church, Dorking. Doors 7.30pm. Music 8.10pm. £19.50 (£13.50 concessions). Details and booking: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/st-marys-sessions-34279177237
Saturday 7 January: Brandon Allen's Groove Band (Mike Outram on guitar) play the late late show at Ronnie Scott's. 11.15pm. £12. Details and booking: https://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/.../8095-late-late-show...
Sunday 8 January: Chris Corcoran and bassist Matt Radford at Plaquemine Lock, near Angel. 12.30pm.
Sunday 8 January: Chris Corcoran Trio at Ain't Nothin' But, Kingly Street, London, W1B 5PZ. 9pm. Free entry.
Sunday 8 January: PYJÆN at Off the Rails, Richmond. 8pm. £12. Details and booking: https://offtherailsclub.com
Tuesday 10 January (and every Tuesday thereafter): Andrea Rinciari hosts 'L'Art De Jazz' at Toulouse Lautrec, Kennington. Andrea leads a quartet (different each week) in an opening set before a jam session. Music from 8pm. £3-£8. Details and booking: https://www.toulouselautrec.co.uk/.../lart-de.../2022-03-29/
Wednesday 11 January (and every Wednesday thereafter): Andrea Rinciari hosts a jam session at new venue The Shed, Soho. 6 Walkers Court, W1F 0BT. Musicians who register in advance get free entry and drinks offers. Music from 8pm. Details and booking: https://link.dice.fm/jazzjam
Wednesday 11 to Saturday 14 January: Jeremy Stacey's Big Band Steely Dan project: 'The Royal Scammers', at Ronnie Scott's. Paul Stacey on guitar. 5.30pm and 8.30pm. £40-£55. Details and booking: https://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/.../7926-the-stacey...
Thursday 12 January (and every Thursday thereafter): Andrea Rinciari hosts the Soho Jazz Jam at The Piano Bar. Doors open 6pm. Music from 7pm. £5. Registered musicians get free entry and half-price drinks from 6pm to 9pm. Details and booking: https://www.pianobarsoho.com/tickets
Thursday 12 January (and every Thursday thereafter): Andrea Rinciari hosts the Soho Jazz Jam at The Piano Bar. Doors open 6pm. Music from 7pm. £5. Registered musicians get free entry and half-price drinks from 6pm to 9pm. Details and booking: https://www.pianobarsoho.com/tickets
Thursday 12 January: Chris Cobbson and Dominic Grant play duo upstairs at Ronnie Scott's, Soho. Doors open 6pm. Music from 7pm. £10 adv / £12 otd. Details and booking: https://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/.../7889-two-for-the-road
Thursday 12 January: Alec Harper Quartet (Nick Costley-White on guitar) at The 606 Club, Chelsea. 8pm. £15. Details and booking: https://www.606club.co.uk/events/view/alec-harper/
Friday 13 January: Pianist/vocalist Judy Carmichael (with Sam Dunn on guitar) at Watermans Arts Centre, Brentford. 8.30pm. £15-£18 (with discounts for group bookings and concessions). Details and booking: https://www.watermans.org.uk/.../judy-carmichael-sexy.../
Sunday 15 January: Pixie and the Gypsies (Matt Wilson on guitar) at Ronnie Scott's. Doors open 12pm. £15-£25. Details and booking: https://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/.../7947-sunday-jazz-lunch...
Sunday 15 January: ORIGIN (Francis Tulip on guitar) at Map Studio Cafe, Kentish Town. Jam session follows the band's set. Doors 7.30pm. Music 8pm. £4-£8. Details and booking: https://www.wegottickets.com/jazzatmap
Tuesday 17 January: Ed Bentley organ trio (Jim Mullen on guitar) at The 606 Club, Chelsea. 8pm. £15. Details and booking: https://www.606club.co.uk/.../view/ed-bentleys-organ-trio/
Wednesday 18 January: Trish Clowes Quartet (Mike Outram on guitar) at The 606 Club, Chelsea. 8pm. £15. Details and booking: https://www.606club.co.uk/events/view/trish-clowes-5/
Thursday 19 January: Clement Regert and Rosie Frater-Taylor play duo upstairs at Ronnie Scott's, Soho. Doors open 6pm. Music from 7pm. £10 adv / £12 otd. Details and booking: https://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/.../7889-two-for-the-road
Friday 20 January: Mike De Souza's Chrysalis at JazzCafe Posk, Hammersmith. Doors 7.30pm. Music 8.30pm. £15. Details and booking: http://www.jazzcafeposk.org/.../mike-de-souzas-chrysalis.../
Saturday 21 January: Dave O'Higgins / Rob Luft Quartet at Jazz Cafe Posk, Hammersmith. Doors 7.30pm. Music 8.30pm. £15. Details and booking: http://www.jazzcafeposk.org/.../dave-ohiggins-rob-luft.../
Saturday 21 January: Chris Corcoran Band at Ain't Nothin' But, Kingly Street, London, W1B 5PZ. 9pm. Free entry.
Monday 23 January: Chris Corcoran Trio at TAM, Mercato Metropolitano, Elephant & Castle. 9pm.
Tuesday 24 January: Chris Allard and Ross Stanley perform duo at The 606 Club, Chelsea. 8pm. £15. Details and booking: https://www.606club.co.uk/.../chris-allard-ross-stanley/
Thursday 26 January: Vocalist Rachael Calladine and Dominic Grant perform duo upstairs at Ronnie Scott's, Soho. Doors open 6pm. Music from 7pm. £10 adv / £12 otd. Details and booking: https://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/.../7889-two-for-the-road
Thursday 26 January: John East Project (Nigel Price on guitar) at The 606 Club, Chelsea. 8pm. £15. Details and booking: https://www.606club.co.uk/events/view/john-east-project-16/
Thursday 26 January: Chris Corcoran 7 Piece Band, Dexter Shaw & The Wolftones, Big Joe Louis triple-bill at January Blues Festival, 100 Club.
Thursday 26 January: Wild Card (led by Clement Regent) launch new album 'Cabin 19 Fever' at The Elgar Room, Royal Albert Hall. Doors 9pm. Music 9.30pm. £13.50 to £17.50. Details and booking: https://www.royalalberthall.com/.../late-night-jazz-wild.../
Friday 27 January: Zoe Francis trio feat. Jim Mullen and David Warren at Toulouse Lautrec Jazz Club, Kennington. 8.30pm. £15. Details and booking: https://www.toulouselautrec.co.uk/.../zoe-francis-trio.../
Sunday 29 January: Blues Shaker Trio (Artie Zaitz) at Northcote Records, Clapham Junction. Music from 8.30pm to 11pm. Free entry. Details: https://www.northcoterecords.com/whats-on/
More information at https://www.facebook.com/londonjazzguitarsociety
