A BIG thanks to the London Jazz Guitar Society for compiling this list. You can find more here:
Tuesday 2 July: Francis Tulip Trio at The 606 Club, Chelsea. 8pm. £16. Details and booking: https://www.606club.co.uk/events/view/francis-tulip/
Tuesday 2 July: Alec Harper Quartet (Nick Costley-White on guitar) at Eastcheap Records. Music from 8pm. Free entry. Sitters-in in second set. Details: https://www.eastcheaprecords.com/whats-on/
Wednesday 3 July: Kit Downes, Tom Challenger, Tara Cunningham, Caius Williams and Andrew Lisle downstairs at The Vortex Jazz Club, Dalston. Doors 6.30pm. Music 7.30pm. One set. £10. Details and booking: https://www.vortexjazz.co.uk/.../kit-downestom.../
Wednesday 3 July: Andy Davies and Nigel Price host the upstairs jam session at Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club, Soho. Doors 9pm. Music 10pm. £10 otd / free for MU members and musicians. Details: https://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/.../ronnie-scotts-jazz-jam-2
Thursday 4 July: Tony Woods, Robert Millet, Mike Outram and Andy Hamill at The Clocktower Cafe, Croydon CR9 1ET. Music 12pm to 2pm. £10 cash.
Thursday 4 July: Ozzy Düzenli Trio at Alfie’s Bar Locale, Shoreditch. Music from 7.30pm. Free entry.
Friday 5 July: Sheldon Agwu Vtet at MU, Dalston. 7.30pm. Free entry.
Friday 5 July: Joe Webb Quintet (David Archer on guitar) at The 606 Club, Chelsea. 9pm. £20. Details and booking: https://www.606club.co.uk/events/view/joe-webb-9/
Saturday 6 July: Karim Saber Quintet at Dalston Lane Studios. Doors 6.30pm. Music 7pm. £14.79. Details and booking: https://www.eventbrite.com/.../karim-saber-quintet...
Saturday 6 July: Yolanda Charles Project pH (Nick Linnik on guitar) play the late late show at Ronnie Scott's, Soho. Doors 11.15pm. Music 12am. £12 otd. Details: https://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/.../late-late-show-with...
Sunday 7 July: Wild Card (led by Clement Regert) are upstairs at Ronnie Scott's, Soho. Doors 6.30pm. Music 8.15pm. £15. Details and booking: https://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/find-a-show/wild-card
Sunday 7 July: James Hudson (with Nick Fitch on guitar) at Ronnie Scott's, Soho. Doors 12pm. £15-£25. Details and booking: https://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/find-a-show/james-hudson
Sunday 7 July: Gilad Hekselman solo at The Vortex, Dalston. Doors 8.30pm. Music 9pm. £17.50 / £15 Vortex members / £12.50 students and UC. Details and booking: https://www.vortexjazz.co.uk/.../gilad-hekselman-solo.../
Monday 8 July: Jim Mullen, Zoe Francis and Ross Stanley at Jazz at The Parakeet, Kentish Town. Doors 8pm. Music 8.30pm. £12 standard / £7 students and musicians. Details and booking: https://jazzattheparakeet.com
Tuesday 9 July: Alec Harper Quartet (Nick Costley-White on guitar) at Eastcheap Records. Music from 8pm. Free entry. Sitters-in in second set. Details: https://www.eastcheaprecords.com/whats-on/
Wednesday 10 July: Luke Purbrick Quartet at Ryan's Bar, Stoke Newington. 8pm. £10/7 on the door. Part of the Matador night run by Juan Woods.
Wednesday 10 July: Nat Steele Sextet (Colin Oxley on guitar) at Fleece Jazz, Colchester. 7.30pm. £20 / £10 students & under 21s. Details and booking: https://fleecejazz.org.uk/current-programme/#1720569600
Thursday 11 July: Ozzy Düzenli Trio at Alfie's Bar Locale, Shoreditch. Music from 7.30pm. Free entry.
Thursday 11 July: John East Project (Nigel Price on guitar) at The 606 Club, Chelsea. 8pm. £16. Details and booking: https://www.606club.co.uk/.../john-east-project-farewell.../
Thursday 11 July: Donovan Haffner Quintet (Francisco Garcia De Paredes on guitar) at Toulouse Lautrec, Kennington/Elephant & Castle. Doors 7.30pm. Music 8.30pm. £16. Details and booking: https://toulouselautrec.co.uk/etn/donovan-haffner-quintet/
Friday 12 July: 'Shades of Shearing' (David Warren on guitar) at St. Mary's Church, Battersea. Part of Battersea Jazz Festival. Doors 6.30pm. Music 7.30pm. £15. Details and booking: https://www.batterseajazzfestival.co.uk/.../shades-of.../
Friday 12 July: Ferg Ireland Quartet (Gareth Fowler on guitar) at The Vortex, Dalston. Doors 7.45pm. Music 8.30pm. £15 standard / £12.50 Vortex members / £10 students and UC. Details and booking: https://www.vortexjazz.co.uk/event/ferg-ireland-quartet/
Saturday 13 July: Jim Mullen Organ Trio at The Vortex, Dalston. Doors 7.45pm. Music 8.30pm. £15 standard / £12.50 Vortex members / £10 students & UC. Details and booking: https://www.vortexjazz.co.uk/event/jim-mullen-organ-trio/
Monday 15 July: Ant Law and Chris Montague Quartet at Jazz at The Parakeet, Kentish Town. Doors 8pm. Music 8.30pm. £12 standard / £7 students and musicians. Details and booking: https://jazzattheparakeet.com
Tuesday 16 July: Alec Harper Quartet (Nick Costley-White on guitar) at Eastcheap Records. Music from 8pm. Free entry. Sitters-in in second set. Details: https://www.eastcheaprecords.com/whats-on/
Wednesday 17 July: Christian McBride and Kurt Rosenwinkel at Wigmore Hall. 7.30pm. £18-£40. Details and booking: https://www.wigmore-hall.org.uk/whats-on/202407171930
Thursday 18 July: Nat Steele Quartet (Colin Oxley on guitar) at Cadogan Hall, Chelsea. Part of the Out to Lunch concert series. 12pm to 2pm. Standard free / seated £5 (though booking required for both). Details and booking: https://cadoganhall.com/.../out-to-lunch-2024-jazz-series/
Thursday 18 July: Mo Nazam and Mike Outram play duo upstairs at Ronnie Scott's, Soho. Doors 6pm. Music 7pm. £10 adv / £12 otd. Details and booking: https://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/find-a.../two-for-the-road-33
Thursday 18 July: Trad group Ragamuffins (Ollie Young on guitar) at The Landor, Clapham North. Part of Battersea Jazz Festival. Doors 6.30pm. Music 7.30pm. Details and booking: https://www.batterseajazzfestival.co.uk/event/ragamuffins/
Thursday 18 July: Ozzy Düzenli Trio at Alfie's Bar Locale, Shoreditch. Music from 7.30pm. Free entry.
Thursday 18 July: Patterns (Dani Diodato on guitar) play the late late show at Ronnie Scott's, Soho. Doors 11.15pm. Music 12am. £12. Details and booking: https://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/.../late-late-show-hosted...
Friday 19 July: Ant Law and Brigitte Beraha's new collaboration 'Ensconced' at PizzaExpress Live, The Pheasantry, Chelsea. 8pm. £30. Details and booking: https://www.pizzaexpresslive.com/.../ant-law-brigitte...
Friday 19 July: Biréli Lagrène at Kings Place, King's Cross. Music at 7.30pm. £16.50-£49.50. Details and booking: https://www.kingsplace.co.uk/whats-on/jazz/bireli-lagrene/
Friday 19 July: Ray Russell live at The Verdict Jazz Club, Brighton. 7.30pm. £19.67. Details and booking: https://www.verdictjazz.com/tickets
Sunday 21 July: Benoit Viellefon Hot Club upstairs at Ronnie Scott's, Soho. Doors 6.30pm. Music 7.30pm. £17. Details and booking: https://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/.../sunday-live-music...
Sunday 21 July: Webb City (David Archer on guitar) at Green Note, Camden. 7.30pm. £12. Details and booking: https://www.greennote.co.uk/production/webb-city/
Sunday 21 July: Will Barnes Quartet at Pizza Express Jazz Club, Soho. 8pm. £16. Details and booking: https://www.pizzaexpresslive.com/what.../will-barnes-quartet
Sunday 21 July: Jake Goss Quartet (Nick Costley-White on guitar) at The Queen's Head, Piccadilly. 8pm. Free entry.
Monday 22 July: Mike De Souza Quintet at Jazz at The Parakeet, Kentish Town. Doors 8pm. Music 8.30pm. £12 standard / £7 students and musicians. Details and booking: https://jazzattheparakeet.com
Monday 22 and Tuesday 23 July: Lee Ritenour and Dave Grusin at Ronnie Scott's, Soho. Music at 6.30pm and 9.15pm. £46-£60. Details and booking: https://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/.../lee-ritenour-and-dave...
Wednesday 24 July: Theo Travis' Double Talk (Mike Outram on guitar) at Fleece Jazz, Colchester. 7.30pm. £20 / £10 students & under 21s. Details and booking: https://fleecejazz.org.uk/current-programme/#1720569600
Thursday 25 July: Ozzy Düzenli Trio at Alfie's Bar Locale, Shoreditch. Music from 7.30pm. Free entry.
Thursday 25 July: Jim Mullen, Zoe Francis, Mark Crooks and Steve Watts at The Clocktower Cafe, Croydon CR9 1ET. Music 12pm to 2pm. £10 cash.
Thursday 25 July: Jim Mullen and Dave Warren play duo upstairs at Ronnie Scott's, Soho. Doors 6pm. Music 7pm. £10 adv / £12 otd. Details and booking: https://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/find-a.../two-for-the-road-34
Thursday 25 July: Julian Woods and Caius Williams present a new improvising quintet at The Vortex, Dalston. Doors 7.45pm. Music 8.30pm. £15 standard / £12.50 Vortex members / £10 students & UC. Details and booking: https://www.vortexjazz.co.uk/.../julian-woodscaius.../
Friday 26 July: Perhaps Trio (Patrick Naylor on guitar) at Green Note, Camden. 7.30pm. £12.50. Details and booking: https://www.greennote.co.uk/production/the-perhaps-trio/
Saturday 27 July: Chris Corcoran Big Band play the Ealing Blues Festival. Main stage at 5.15pm. Details and booking: https://ealingsummerfestivals.com/blues/
Saturday 27 July: John Cervantes feat. Nigel Price at The 606 Club, Chelsea. 9pm. £20. Details and booking: https://www.606club.co.uk/.../john-cervantes-ft-mark.../
Saturday 27 July: Chris Corcoran Band at Ain't Nothin' But the Blues, Soho. 9.30pm.
Sunday 28 July: Django Reinhardt Sessions with Harry Diplock at Green Note, Camden. 7.30pm. £12. Details and booking: https://www.greennote.co.uk/.../django-reinhardt.../
Sunday 28 July: Sam Dunn Organ Quartet play the music of Grant Green at The B3 Lounge (at The Bohemia), Finchley. Doors 6.30pm. Music 7.30pm. £10. Details and booking: https://b3lounge.live/shop/sam-dunn-sunday-28th-july-2024/
Monday 29 July: The Mike Redfern Group at Pizza Express Jazz Club, Soho. 8pm. £20. Details and booking: https://www.pizzaexpresslive.com/.../the-mike-redfern-group
Monday 29 July: Tom Ford Group in a double bill with Tomorrow' New Quartet at Jazz in the Round, The Cockpit Theatre, Marylebone. 8pm. £15 standard / £7.50 students and MU members. Details and booking: https://www.thecockpit.org.uk/.../jitr_july_tom_ford...
Thursday 30 July: Sam Dunn Organ Quartet play the music of Grant Green at Cadogan Hall, Chelsea Part of the Out to Lunch concert series. 12pm to 2pm. Standard free / seated £5 (though booking required for both). Details and booking: https://cadoganhall.com/.../out-to-lunch-2024-jazz-series/
Tuesday 30 July: Alec Harper Quartet (Nick Costley-White on guitar) at Eastcheap Records. Music from 8pm. Free entry. Sitters-in in second set. Details: https://www.eastcheaprecords.com/whats-on/
Wednesday 31 July: Andrea Rinciari and Colin Oxley duo at Toulouse Lautrec Jazz Club, Kennington/Elephant & Castle. Doors 7pm. Music 8pm. £15. Details and booking: https://toulouselautrec.co.uk/jazz-club/