A BIG thanks to the London Jazz Guitar Society for compiling this list. You can find more here:
Tuesday 5 December: David Preston's 'Purple and Black' quartet feat. Ivo Neame, at East Side Jazz Club, Leytonstone. 8pm. £14. Details and booking: https://www.eastsidejazzclub.co.uk/event/david-preston-purple-and-black-quartet/
Wednesday 6 December: Karim Saber 'Transmission' album launch show at The Vortex Jazz Club, Dalston. Doors 7.45pm. Music 8.30pm. £12.50 standard / £10 Vortex members / £8 students and UC. Details and booking: https://www.vortexjazz.co.uk/.../karim-saber.../
Thursday 7 December: Ben Treacher, Nigel Price and Mirko Scarcia at the Clocktower Cafe, Croydon. 12pm to 2pm. £10.
Thursday 7 December: Tom Remon and Nat Steele duo at Ciro's, Essex Road, Islington. Doors 6pm. Last entry 7.15pm. Music 8pm. £12.
Thursday 7 December: Silvan Joray Trio at The Vortex, Dalston. Doors 7.45pm. Music 8.30pm. £12.50 standard / £6.25 Vortex members / £5 students and UC. Details and booking: https://www.vortexjazz.co.uk/event/silvan-joray-trio/
Friday 8 December: Simon Woolf Quartet feat. Jim Mullen play the music of Irving Berlin at Sands Films Music Room, Rotherhithe. 8pm. Suggested donation £7.50. Details and booking: https://www.sandsfilms.co.uk/sands-films-music-room.html
Saturday 9 December: Let Spin (Moss Freed on guitar) at The Vortex, Dalston. Doors 7.45pm. Music 8.30pm. £15 standard / £12.50 Vortex members / £10 students and UC. Details and booking: https://www.vortexjazz.co.uk/event/let-spin-5/
Monday 11 December: Mike Redfern Group at The 606 Club, Chelsea. 8pm. £15. Details and booking: https://www.606club.co.uk/.../mike-redfern-group-ft.../
Tuesday 12 December: Andrea Rinciari Quartet at The Piano Bar, Soho. Sets at 6.30pm and 8.30pm. £10-£30. Details and booking: https://link.dice.fm/AndreaRinciari1sthouse (early show) and https://link.dice.fm/andrearinciarisecondhouse
Thursday 14 December: Geoff Simkins, Tom Ollendorff and Will Sach at the Clocktower Cafe, Croydon. 12pm to 2pm. £10.
Thursday 14 December: Mike De Souza 'Chrysalis' album launch show at The Vortex, Dalston. Doors 7.45pm. Music 8.30pm. £12.50 standard / £6.25 Vortex members / £5 students and UC. Details and booking: https://www.vortexjazz.co.uk/.../mike-de-souza-chrysalis.../
Saturday 16 December: Alec Harper Quartet (Gareth Fowler on guitar) at The 606 Club, Chelsea. 9pm. £18. Details and booking: https://www.606club.co.uk/events/view/alec-harper-4/
Saturday 16 December: Elina Duni and Rob Luft at The Vortex, Dalston. Doors 7.45pm. Music 8.30pm. £17.50 standard / £15 Vortex members / £12.50 students and UC. Details and booking: https://www.vortexjazz.co.uk/.../elina-duni-rob-luft-a.../
Sunday 17 December: Alec Harper Quartet (Nick Costley-White on guitar) at Northcote Records, Clapham. 8.30pm-11pm. Free entry. Details: https://www.northcoterecords.com/whats-on/
Monday 18 December: Tom Ollendorff Quartet at Jazz at The Parakeet, Kentish Town. Doors 8pm. Music 8.30pm. £12 (£7 musicians and students). Details and booking: https://jazzattheparakeet.com
Tuesday 19 December: John Etheridge Quartet feat. Art Themen at East Side Jazz Club Leytonstone. 8pm. £14. Details and booking: https://www.eastsidejazzclub.co.uk/.../john-etheridge.../
Wednesday 20 December: Poppy Daniels (with Kian Cardenas on guitar) at The Vortex, Dalston. Doors 7.45pm. Music 8.30pm. £12.50 standard / £6.25 Vortex members / £5 students and UC. Details and booking: https://www.vortexjazz.co.uk/event/poppy-daniels/
Thursday 21 December: Miles Mindlin Quartet at The Vortex, Dalston. Doors 7.45pm. Music 8.30pm. £12.50 standard / £6.25 Vortex members / £5 students and UC. Details and booking: https://www.vortexjazz.co.uk/event/miles-mindlin-quartet-2/
Thursday 28 December: John Etheridge's Blue Spirits organ trio at The Vortex, Dalston. Doors 7.45pm. Music 8.30pm. £17 standard / £15 Vortex members / £12.50 students and UC. Details and booking: https://www.vortexjazz.co.uk/.../john-etheridge-blue.../
Saturday 30 December: Blue Town Trio of Zoe Francis, Jim Mullen and Ross Stanley, at The Vortex, Dalston. Doors 7.45pm. Music 8.30pm. £15 standard / £12.50 Vortex members / £10 students and UC. Details and booking: https://www.vortexjazz.co.uk/.../blue-town-trio-zoe.../